Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Trout to MC perch!

I've not found the time to make any blog posts recently for various reasons, but as I finish up tying flies, and gathering gear for a weekend fishing in NY, I figure it's a good time to catch up on things!

After my last post, Jerry and I had opted to fish my favorite little trib on the Winooski early in the morning.  Things looked great, it had rained a bit the night before, and it was chilly.  I always take a minute to appreciate the outdoors whenever I get out of the car and the door shuts.  A stretch followed by a deep inhale through my nose to give me that nostalgic smell of the outdoors and I'm good to go. 

This trip was short, and very sweet.  We both landed quite a few wild fish.  Mine on brassies and princes, his on spinners and bait with pinched barbs and tiny hooks (I tried to get him on fish with the fly rod but they wouldn't cooperate)

Since we hadn't checked out the stocked waters yet, we took a trip over to check things out.  The dam was open, which was good for the fish, I think the river was in the high 60's.  Fish were jumping randomly, so we knew they were around.  It took less than 2 minutes for me to hook up into a cookie cutter stockie bow, about 18".  We had steady action through the day, and had half a dozen fish for the both of us.  I cut 3 snelled hook rigs with 15~ lb test and a size 2-4 hook, which was pretty sickening to see.  Probably why I don't really care for fishing stocked waters anymore.....

In any case, we were home by the afternoon and had another great day on the water together!  A few pics of the many fish beautiful!

A few days later, on a weekday, I took a drive up to Jerry's place in St. Albans after work and we both headed out to check out a spot he'd spotted quite a few carp in.  We got there to find a few people panfishing, but could see no signs of carp.  We fished it anyway, hoping they'd circle back in towards shore like they seem to do, but we had no such luck.  I ended the day with my Master Class white perch on the fly though!

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