Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Beautiful scenery and fish with a beautiful girl

I talked Katlyn into fishing with me again, but just for a few hours.  It was a great few hours though, and I landed 4 nice sized browns for the size of the water I was fishing.  The first 3 fish were back to back after I'd let the hole cool for a few minutes, it was amazing!

It wasn't too early, or too late, but just right in the morning.  The sun was still behind the trees, and the wind was still chilly.  It was an awesome time to just be outdoors. 

First drift....something magical about watching your line tighten as it drifts over some great looking water.  This guy was tricked by a tiny little size 18 midge!  Love the color on this one

The next 3 fish were almost as big, but I was content with having a picture of the day was complete after landind him.  Katlyn snapped this one as I released (or tried landing?) one of them.

The day after, I headed out to fish some new water with my buddies Mike and Matt.  It was the Otter Creek, and the water looked great!  Only downsize was that the water was 70 degrees, so we didn't have much hope for trout, but river-locked pike did inhabit the waters we fished, along with a plethora of smallies we all got into!

I swung streamers and landed a dozen smallies, and one huge fallfish that I thought was a chunky brown the way it hugged bottom.  Definitely water I'll be fishing when the temps drop.

After we struck out there, we hit the New Haven, but it was very low and we didn't spend too much time on it.  Mike had a decent sized bow smack his streamer just minutes into fishing, but it popped off as quick as it struck.

I managed a few small trout, but lost what could have been a big one towards the end of the day.  I decided to swing a streamer behind a rock that had what looked to be a deep hole around it and WHAM!  A hard tug following by line slipping out from my hand....and then slack line.  Seems I got taken by surprise and forgot to set the hook on that one, hah!  Oh well, it was a humbling day, and exploring new water is always a treat!

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