Last year almost all of my salmon were taken on nymphs dead drifted and swung, but I've always been told fresh fish will take a streamer over a nymph, so since it was mid-September I was hoping there was a small population of fresh salmon in the area. I was spot on with my hunch that fresh fish were roaming and within the first half-hour at the end of a picture-perfect swing through a tailout I felt a tug. I set the hook and, "the leaper" turned into the rocket! It flew out of the air and took off downstream with me in tow, trying to go from backing through my fingers back to fly line! I chased him down and after an awesome tug-o-war he was in my net and posing for pictures.
I was a happy camper! I wasn't expecting to hookup but this guy crushed my ghost. I spent the next few hours before sunset fishing the same water he came from and within 20 minutes of releasing him I had a big hen chase my fly for 20 feet and then swipe at it right on the surface, making a huge boil! Great thing to see, and I just love how aggressive these fish can be. When the sun was behind the trees and I was walking to the car, I had one landed with two other hookups and shake-offs. It was a great short tip for me, and I couldn't wait to get out of work the next day!
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